Monday, November 15, 2010


I got to see my neice the other day. She is so cute. It's crazy to think that only a couple of weeks ago she was infront of our Heavenly Father. I've always wondered if she dreams about the premortal life. It's only a little while before the semester will be over. It's crazy to think about. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I hadn't come summer semester. But that's in the past and I'm really don't care anymore. I made friends and so its all good. Oh there is this girl in the commons that, and not to be rude, but she wont shut her mouth. I don't know what to do.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's been a sucky week. My left ear started getting stuffed on tuesday. Wasn't to big of a deal. Until later in the day. It started hurting and got so stuffed things sound like their under water. I would so love if it would just pop or at least have the pain go away. I don't like having to take pain reliever just to take care of the pain. Anyway I am so ready for a break from school. Phill has his first baby. They named her Emma. My teeth are bugging me too. Life just seems to be going down hill right now. I hope it gets better. I missed my class this morning cause partly my ear and partly cause I was so tired. Life sucks right now.