Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Well alot has happened I think since the last time I wrote. I got a massage yesturday. It wasn't long enough though. I feel like time is just flying by and I have no control over it. It makes me feel kind of sad and frustrated at the same time. I would really like to just stop and feel peace like I did so long ago. The only unfortunate part was that after a while everyone was bugging me and I didn't get to that total feeling of peace. School has been alright. I have a deal going with a friend to see who can stay off of facebook the longest. I'm kind of worried that I might no beable to make it. I really want to but it's not easy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Woke up this today and wished I could have gone back to bed. But I had to get up and get going cause I knew that if I didn't then I would never get to school on time. Crazy though I only had one class today and now I'm just sitting around. It's kind of nice to just try to relax and not do anything. While at the same time I'm thinking about the homework that I have that's due tomorrow. Can't wait for chris's party on Saturday though that will be fun. It's a costume party and I'm going as the prince of persia. It should be interesting. I hope that I will be able to find some friends when I go to BYU-I. I probably wont but I would really like to.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Only had one class today. It's kind of nice. Tate is headed for the mission home tomorrow. I find it kind of weird that he is my nephew and he is heading on his mission before me. The semester is about half over. That's just as crazy. I have been so tired lately. More so when I get back to the appartment. I seem to just fall asleep on the floor like its the most comfortable thing in the world. Anyway my costume or however you spell that word is kind of tight. Like it's not a muscle shirt but when I raise my arms then the shirt comes up so I have to wear a shirt under it. You know I wish life was different. I feel like I was born into the wrong world. Like I suppose to live in different world but that will never happen. I just see those movies and yes I know their just movies but sometimes I wish my life was as interesting as that. To me I just go about my day and since I have no idea on what else to do I walk around like a zombie. Just going about the day like a lifeless thing. I don't know.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Todays been an alright day. Got to school on time. Had an alright class. I'm planning on getting out of my history class because it literally sucks. I can't focus to well and he just blabbs. Anyway I have a paper due this friday and I need to read number the stars. I also need to buy a costume. It's crazy I have so many things to do and I'm not sure I'm going to get it all done.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today has been an alright day. It's been kind of confusing to but that's ok. The people here seem so much like highschoolers including the ones that just came here this semester. I wonder if I acted that way. I really hope I didn't. They just act like their all that and their not. It's really dumb. Anyway. I haven't written in a while cause I felt like crud last thursday. I felt like my spirit was gone. Weird I know. I can't wait for a break from it all.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I'm pretty tired this morning. All of my alarms went off and I just kept hiting that button. I finally got up around 7:10. I'm still really tired. I wish I could make some more friends but I doubt that will happen. The other day we did this Mr. LDSBC survey who we thought was the most popular guy here at the school. It reminded me of Mr. West Jeff. Really dumb and who really cared. It seemed like we were voting for homecoming king all over again. I mean yeah you get to vote for your friends but in the end when your older no one is going to care anyway.
I can't wait for a break from school. I need it so bad. My body is screaming at me to go back to bed and to get something to eat. I haven't had time to eat breakfast and I am starving. Lunch isn't going to happen either.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Last night was the worst night ever! I didn't get to bed until after midnight because some idiot left their cloths in the dryer so I couldn't put my cloths in. I was constintly checking and finally one of the dryers was free. I was so happy when I was finally able to go to bed. I think it wasn't long before I passed out on my bed. Then the next thing I knew my alarm went off and I again wasn't happy. I did finally get up and got dressed. I should have left earlier though because I had to ride the trax with the high school kids. Which wasn't fun. And now I feel like it won't be long before I hit the floor while walking down the hall. I'll probably just pass out and my body will fall over.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Conference was really good. I stood in line for about and hour to get into the conference center but I had to go over to the north visitors center. Which was really cool though, they had a replica of Jerusulum. I thought it was cool that I was able to see what the old Jerusulum looked like compared to now. The talks also at conference were really up lifting. I felt that many of my questions were answered. School is still crazy but it's ok. And I need a break as usual.

Friday, October 1, 2010


It's finally friday! I am so happy I really need a break. It would be nice to finally get to sleep in. Oh an I have to wear a stupid suit today for my business class. It really sucks. I hope I find a job when I get older that doesn't completely require you to always wear a suit. I also need a couple of new ties. It's getting kind of old when your wearing the same tie day after day. Mom is coming down this weekend! I quess Dad is too. But atleast Mom's coming. It'll be nice to see her. Man it's only been a month. Actually less than that since I started this semester. This really sucks.